Slide Hillarious and provoking german sex-comedy plotted inside the Cam Girl World with stunning female lead actress Nora Islei, directed by Austrian director Anna Unterweger in her brilliant and courageous but always well balanced debut feature film. OFFIZIELLER KINOSTART IN DEUTSCHLAND AM 19.09.2024 Broke. Alone.
A kinky lovestory
Slide Several people from around the globe follow a tempting invitation to a remote castle. After their arrival at the castle they all soon realize that something's really going wrong. They find out they've been blackmailed for the massive hidden scandals they've committed in their past. The Art Of Telling Lies Slide Malkovich at his best! Eine schwarze Komödie über die letzten Tage des antiken Philosophen Lucius Annaeus Seneca und die Anfänge von Kaiser Neros despotischem Regime im Alten Rom.
Slide Adventures of a
Das Drama Adventures of a Mathematician erzählt nach wahren Begebenheiten vom polnischen Mathematikers Stanisław Marcin Ulam, der nach seiner Auswanderung in die USA eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Entwicklung der Wasserstoff-Bombe und des ersten Computers spielte.
Slide ist die Geschichte zweier gutherziger Chaoten, die versuchen mit ihrem Kiez-Kiosk über die Runden zu kommen. Während sich Ronny Hals über Kopf in die Tochter des lokalen Mafiabosses verliebt, verliert Klaid ein Vermögen an dessen Roulette-Tisch. Den beiden bleibt nur eine Woche, um die Gangster zu bezahlen. Ronny & Klaid

We develop, acquire and produce high-quality screenplays and content for international streamers, the cinema & TV. For us makin' movies is and always will be a collaborative team player setup. As we do have a huge slade of projects we're always open and constantly looking for new impulses and for various new production constellations that work best for each single project and its specific requirements.

Broke. Alone.
A kinky lovestory

Hillarious and provoking german sex-comedy plotted inside the Cam Girl World with stunning female lead actress Nora Islei, directed by Austrian director Anna Unterweger in her brilliant and courageous but always well balanced debut feature film.

Offizieller Kinostart in Deutschland & Österreich am 19.9.2024 im Verleih der FILMWELT VERLEIHAGENTUR

Vorab waren wir beim Kinofest deutschlandweit

Out now

Coming soon

The Last Lap

start principal photography in april 2025

The Carlos Reutemann Saga - The untold story of Formula 1's last romantic hero. From the fields of Santa Fe to one point from immortality.

All Eyes On Me

completed, festival premiered RIFF, Reykjavik in oct. 24

After having lost his family in a fatal accident, a man travels through Iceland to pay respect at their burial sides, as he meets a young traveller who ran away from Poland.

Vegan Killing

Mini Series / development / MBB funded / filming in I./II. Q. 2026

Hillarious and provoking black humor / action Mini-Series that comes with roadmovie and top notch martial arts elements. Ein Profikiller-Duo entdeckt den veganen Lebensstil für sich und beschließt zu kündigen. Ihr Boss aber will seine zwei killing Cash-Cows nicht einfach ziehen lassen und wird unfreiwillig Teil eines wahnsinnigen Road Trips, der das ungleiche Trio ans äußerste Limit seiner Fähigkeiten bringt. Gefördert durch MBB.

Biker Girl / Affe auf Bike

in pre production, financing

Heartbreaking story of a young teenage girl with a fatal diagnosis, that leaves the demons of her past behind and sets out to conquer the world on a wing and a prayer and a shoestring budget of 200 dollar and one rusty old motorbike.

The Art of Telling Lies

release date III./IV. Q. 2025

Several people from around the globe follow a tempting invitation to a remote castle. After their arrival at the castle they all soon realize that something’s really going wrong. They find out they’ve been blackmailed for the massive hidden scandals they’ve committed in their past.

Fade To Grey

in post production

A beautifully filmed acid trip finding and loosing two lost souls meeting into the realm of fading Berlin and getting lured into a dark rabbit hole of multiple fears.

Faces of Europe

in post production

Magical Art-Photography & Travel Documentary: 40.000 km’s - 27 Countries - 1000 Faces. We follow photo artist Carsten Sander’s amazing journey through Europe during the world changing 2020/2021 Covid-19 pandemic.

Conquering Hollywood

in post production

German/English Mockumentary shot in Los Angeles / Hollywood during oscar season. Two old buddies - both workin’ in the film industry - are heading over to LA … one is nominated one is not ...